Monday 5 February 2007

an idea

tonight we went for a midnight stroll along the beach.

ninjagirl and hatboy argued about something esoteric.

his logic was countered by her determination to be right.

hatboy offered to prove his argument by playing his bagpipes, and ninjagirl offered to end his career rather abruptly with her sword.

that’s about when they turned to me and demanded i resolve their conflict with my opinion.

i considered their arguments carefully.

“i think you’re both wrong,” i tell them. “even if aliens had the fashion channel, they’d never consider eating with the president for long enough to discuss your dilemma to begin with, let alone form an opinion based on these simple facts. maybe you should both form an action group and get leaflets printed. you could use a missile to send them into outer space. the aliens could read it and then, if you give them your email addresses, they could reply to you straight away.”

they want to know from where i got such a ridiculous idea.

there’s no way any self-respecting alien would be caught dead on the internet.

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