Monday 5 February 2007

ninjagirl's new job

ninjagirl’s new place of employment is our local video store. we’re allowed to get out free movies on the condition we never call her a counter-chick.

hatboy and i tumble into her store on the first day and demand service.

“hey, counterch-uh, girl behind the counter! we need stuff!”

ninjagirl glared and stomped over to us. “well, hatboy,” she hissed. “if you don’t want to see your stuff yanked out of your guts with a large knife, then you’d best be off getting it yourself!”

as she sauntered back to her counter to receive the praise of her boss for a job well done, hatboy looked at her with disappointment.

“you would have thought she’d learn how to deal with customers, wouldn’t you?”

“i thought she was quite polite. you still have your guts on the inside.”

my super-sidekick snatched up aliens: resurrection. “i guess you’re probably right. still, we’ve got something more important to think about than the disgusting manners and lack of social graces as found in checkout chicks.”

“what’s that?”

he grinned and shoved the video cover under my nose. “winona.”

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