Friday 9 February 2007

one choc milk, one juice, and one coke

today we decided to sit inside to beat the outdoor heat.

we closed all the windows to keep out vicious flies, which butted the glass with their heads in desperate effort to regurgitate our meals. we turned on the air conditioner, cooked up a small batch of noodles (hatboy didn’t do funky things with them this time), loaded the bar fridge beside our couch, and sat down to enjoy the daily routine of frosty drinky-goodness.

hatboy, closest to the fridge, played bartender all day.

“what you want?” hatboy grunted, pointing at the fridge.

i put three glasses on the table. “what you think?”

“one choc milk, one juice, one coke?”

later, as we sat sipping crushed ice and juice from a brandy glass, hatboy stretched his legs onto the coffee table and sighed. “i love summer,” he said. “the weather’s so darned slippy.”

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