Saturday 3 February 2007

the forty-second rule of the couch potato

there are many rules which guide the life of your average couch potato, and to never watch an episode of the bold and the beautiful is one of them. but that’s just common sense.

the forty-second rule deals with the couch potato’s attitude to life. there is nothing beyond the couch, says the thirty-fifth. there is nothing beyond the bar fridge, says the forty-first. people are generally sensible, says the forty-second. the forty-third is the rule which deals with couch stains, and specifically identifies a couch as being not only a mode of corporeal transportation, but a dinner plate, too. handy things, couches.

our couch has been broken-in just nicely, and i think we’ve more or less got it just the way we want it. we’ve added some stains, made a small tear in the arm, and even melted some candlewax on one of the cushions.

i’ve been sitting here, on the great greeny couch, watching some documentary on how whales are being slaughtered for scientific purposes, and some people are upset about that. meanwhile, those same people are dumping mercury in the breeding grounds of those same whales, and many other whales are dying off as a result, but no one’s particularly upset about that, and i’m wondering if the forty-second rule of the couch potato needs re-considering.

there was a book released some time ago. quite a remarkable book, it out-sold many others. it stated that humans were ‘mostly harmless.’

i don’t think anyone consulted the whales about that particular entry, or perhaps some other may have been composed, and i don’t think it would really have had anything to do with thanking anyone for the heavy metal content in the local fish.
an advertisement has been haunting the program, with a man asking for donations to save these same whales.

he’s got a nice gold watch. my watch is an acme watch.

i like my acme watch. it’s blue.

i think another whale just floated among the waves, a dying testimony to the sixty-fifth rule of the couch potato; humans are indeed the most contemptible of species.

eerily, i don’t feel like watching television, so i turn it off and stare at the wall.

it’s very flat and doesn’t move.

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