Saturday 20 January 2007

italian zombie movies

hatboy hides behind a comic as ninjagirl subjects us to her latest zombie film.
there’s a lot of meat-eaty and plenty of splattery skin-stretchy.

i’m not sure why hatboy’s a little squeamish when it comes to zombie films. he seems quite the opposite when it comes to eating his awful noodleburgers.

i tell him about his noodleburgers and he ignores me, especially when i mention the sauce.

ninjagirl tells me to hush. she says, just as the screen turns a delicious shade of red, that the good bit is just coming up.

i have to disagree. i tell her that, considering the colour of hatboy’s cheeks, the good bit will be coming up a little sooner than expected.

hatboy excuses himself as another zombie eagerly munches into the neck of some screaming vixen in white. his flight is followed by ninjagirl’s cries of, “wait! hatboy! you’re missing the bit where it bites off her nose!” and “now it’s using its fingers to tear out her tongue! come back! you’ll miss the intestines scene, soon!”
“oh well,” she says as the happy-go-lucky zombies begin chewing eyes. “at least you’re here, creepy.”

another vixen in white attempts to flee the castle, minus her dress.

the screen turns that wonderful shade of red again and the screaming begins anew.


“watch as it bites her knuckles!” ninjagirl chortles, perched on the edge of her seat like a vulture.

“that reminds me,” i say. “pass the popcorn.”

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