Wednesday 13 December 2006


we are called on by the mayor to save the city once more from evil spacebugs or somesuch dastardly devices of horror.

we listen to his pleas, and assure him we’ll do our best. hatboy hangs up the phone and dives to the fridge for a magic can of cokey-goodness. “well, creepy?”

i stand straight and as tall as i can get, which still isn’t quite so tall as my slouching super-sidekick. “we must save the city with our super-sidekick powers of much badguy-beaty!”

he throws me a can and i pop its fizzy top. i guzzle a hearty amount of cola as my super-sidekick reveals our wickedly devious plan. “let’s couch.”

hours later, he passes me some cheesy snacks. “you think the evil has been vanquished?”

i consider. “we’d best make sure. quick, subject it to the comedy channel for a few hours.”

thus, another global catastrophe is averted for yet another day.

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