Wednesday 13 December 2006

biopsy of a pizza

it had some slices of mushroom, which weren’t rubberised. the cheese was tasty, and had chunks of fetta clinging to its fingers. i said it could have done with more tomato sauce, but hatboy disagreed.

he claimed that in the distant past, much of the pizza sauce had been bred from pizzas in order to achieve the perfect base needed to lure unwitting predators closer to the pizza. i disagreed, saying that it wasn’t so much the pizza base i sought in a potential pizza, but the sauce, which should conceal the taste of the base, whether the base be cardboard, or fluffy dough flavour.

he had to admit that my argument was compelling, but that with a decent base, there wouldn’t be too much need for heaps of sauce.

we considered each other’s argument for some time.

finally, i decided he could be right, but that i still would have preferred extra sauce, because this particular breed of pizza had a high cardboard-to-flour ratio.
nodding sagely, hatboy grumbled, “well, if you’re not going to eat it, pass it the hell over.”

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