Friday 16 February 2007

support vs. tolerence

politicians invaded our television today.

they’re going to war again. this time, they say, it’s righteous.

this time, god is on our side.

god was on our side last time, too.

centuries ago, the knights invaded the middle east in search for holy places to loot. along the way, they decided to do some pillaging.

today, the politicians are going to invade small bits of some country. along the way, they’re going to loot the entire country and do some serious liberating of all that oppressed oil.

they’re being polite about it, though. they’re handing out leaflets to the locals to make them feel a lot better about their lives.

“we’re only doing this,” the leaflets say, “because we have to. we’re not enjoying this at all. not one bit. if you could kill your neighbours for us, it’ll help us a whole lot and we promise to import our sitcoms in exchange for your cooperation. have a nice day. and don’t forget, as soon as we’ve changed you for the better, to eat at mcdonalds!”

sounds like a bargain to me.

kill for cosby.

hatboy wonders when the movie’s coming out.

i tell him i hope stephen segal’s not in it.

segal gives me the creeps.

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