Wednesday 13 December 2006

television dreams

i wish that i could remember my dreams, but, as a super-sidekick, i am forced to suppress this memory-recall ability in order to keep my sanity. us super-sidekicks are often plagued by doubts and fears, and these things are not condusive to the heroic adventures we must endure.

but i’m sure, that if i dreamed, i would dream about televisions and their war for supremacy in a world dominated by walking creatures and biological entities. i’m also sure that, soon, television advertisements would interrupt ordinary dreams, cutting through every five minutes to advise the dreamer of the latest in tampons, or skin care products.

the blue screen radiation would melt every part of my face, except my eyes, and i would be forced to feed through sight, instead of taste, and would find lori petty to be appetising, and oprah would just give me food poisoning.

i’d have nicole de boer for dessert. often.

my only real problem with this new system of existence, would be that they may force me to watch soap operas. perhaps they’d even come out with a staple diet which we must all consume in order to be healthy, and one of the main five food groups could be talk shows, or judge judy. the skanky horror of this vision of the future has filled me with dread, and it’s no real wonder that i shun the dreaming-recall part of my brain, suppressing it with coffee and anzac cookies.

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