Saturday 9 December 2006

saving the world

hatboy and i are sidekicks in the never-ending battle against evil. we save the world every day. we halt the spread of carnage, place criminal-types behind bars, hang out with the rich and famous, wear spooky masks and colourful caps, and score with chicks every time we show our super-sidekick faces in public.

we have a secret base, where we possess technological powers so far unheard of in the public arena. our pentiums are three generations younger, our modems run on optic fibre, and our floppy disc drives are silent. we also have a special ray-gun, which we use on visitors who have seen the inside of the base.

this ray-gun wipes their memory for periods of up to four days, depending on how strong you set it. so, when we caught vicki vale in our batcave, we just flooded her with radiated brain cells, told her she’d had a fainting spell, gave her a dollar for cab fare, and sent her home.

the memory-vacuum-mind-sucking-ray-gun is also great fun at parties.

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