Sunday 10 December 2006

daylight excursions

sometimes ninjagirl and i retreat outside during the day.

on these rare occaisions, we generally drift up to the corner deli to buy a few slushies and some crazy imported candies. we walk down to the beach and sit in the sand watching the loopy people swim with sharks. we try to spot the fins.

sometimes we see dolphins, or windsurfers.

once, we saw a whale. ninjagirl wanted to go and harpoon it, but the sensible side of her said it wouldn’t be a nice thing to do. besides, we’re vegetarians and there wouldn’t be anything we could do with all that whalemeat except try and sell it to passing tourists.

she always shades herself from the sun with a large paper umbrella. she sometimes lets me under it when she’s feeling generous, but mostly i have to make do with my hat.

“one day,” she tells me. “i’m going to impale a surfer on his surfboard.”

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