Friday 10 November 2006

creepy and hatboy were created sometime in the late 1990s. it happened quite by accident one evening when i was sharing a few too many episodes of doctor who and star trek: voyager with a good friend of mine, one andrew hindle.

we were stood around in his kitchen, waiting for the kettle to boil, and talking a bit too animatedly about the pros and cons of various badguys, and just how well the daleks would go against the borg. we decided the poor daleks would be assimilated a little too quickly, and used as wheely bins.

giggling with manic glee, we more or less continued down this track of mixing universes and then blending that with dreams of just exactly what would we do with a starship, or a tardis for that matter?

oh, beware, poor milkmaids, for your virtue is under threat...

many episodes of creepy and hatboy were hammered together right there and then, with relative ease.

the actual characters of creepy and hatboy are, naturally, ourselves, and the books were entirely biographical.

well, give or take an episode...

at the time, a friend of ours had taken to calling us by these crazy nicknames. hatboy, because he always wore a hat, and creepy because, well. because i am.

it was no great leap of logic, then, for us to consider writing a book about our dreamy adventures with a tardis.

we decided right there and then to collaborate.

i would write a few episodes from creepy’s point of view, and he would write from hatboy’s point of view. it would be genius. it would be marvellous.

unfortunately, there was a fatal flaw in an otherwise perfect plan.

basically, my good friend andrew’s a lot more prolific than i am, so he was working on any number of projects, whereas i pretty much had a free schedule. i hammered out the first book (creepy and hatboy: save the world) in the record time of two months while andrew had barely hammered out an episode.

i waited impatiently for him to catch up, so i could write the sequel but he was going to slow, so i decided i would write a prequel – one which did not use the character of hatboy at all. i called it creepy and ninjagirl. unfortunately, i didn’t like that book, and it fell into the realms of industrial waste, so i started again, and penned creepy and hatboy: the horror of drackenstein.

i mean, what the hell, right?

for more information about lucas thorn, and creepy and hatboy, visit

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